Friday, April 14, 2006

Must remove Harry Potter books

Mrs Mallory is asking for the Harry Potter books to be removed from the school system library.
"My personal religious views don't agree with these books," Mallory said. "We need for our children to read things that teach good morals. Harry Potter lies, cheats and steals and there is no accountability. There are better things for our children to be reading."
But this school system allows parental controls:
Students may check out the books while the system handles the complaint, school spokeswoman Sloan Roach said. Parents can request their children be prohibited from taking out any particular books, she said.
Won't be any books in the library if every book which offends one (1) person is removed.
Dear Mrs Mallory.
     Tell your children they are not to read these books.
     But allow other parents to decide for their children.
     Why are YOUR BELIEFS to be IMPOSED on ALL?

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