Friday, February 24, 2006

Stand up for Denmark


The Freedom's Zone international blogging community is encouraging all bloggers to help 'Stand Up For Denmark' by immediately writing a post on Christopher Hitchens' call for a demonstration at the Embassy of Denmark, between noon and 1 p.m. this Friday, Feb. 24.

Please also post that for those who cannot attend the demonstration, they are encouraged to call and email the Danish embassy, and offer their support and appreciation for their standing up to freedom and the right of free speech that is so much a part of our Western culture:
Embassy of Denmark
3200 Whitehaven St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008
Tel: +1 (202) 234-4300
Fax: +1 (202) 328-1470


After the date of the event, bloggers are encouraged to post on at least 3 "free speech" issues a week, and also encourage their readers to continue voicing their concern and support for free speech by emailing their friends to help keep the emails of support (to the Danish embassy) going for the Dane's stand on freedom over sharia.

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