Saturday, June 28, 2008

Gun Rights and Laws - IMHO

In My Humble Opinion,

It should be as easy to get a gun license as it is to get a driver's license.

It should be as easy to register a gun as it is to register a motor vehicle.

It should be legal to carry a gun, if you have a gun license.

This allows for self/home defense.

Just like some motor vehicles are not street legal,
some types of guns can be listed as not street legal. (ie. gun is only legal outside of city limits.) and some types of guns can be listed as illegal for civilian use. (ie. automatic weapons.)

Trigger locks should not be required, but available if court ordered -
like the ignition locks for some habitual drunk drivers.

The state should not limit the number of guns a lawfully licensed person may own.

Gun owners should be required to keep their weapons secure.

Now the real touchy issue is guns on private property that is open to the public.
(ie stores)
I think the property owner should decide.
the property owner should be held responsible for the safety of the guests on their property.

Another issue: Employees vs Employers who forbid guns on the property.
I think employees should be allowed to keep their weapons secured in the vehicle at their place of employment;
Or employers should be held responsible for the safety of their employees as they travel to/from work.

Another question: Guns at school.

for school employees
- see above, this is simply a question of employee vs employer.

for students - grades pre-k to 12
- no weapons at school or on school bus. (with a common sense definition of weapon vs the idiotic results of 'zero-tolerance')

for college/continuing ed students
if they have a gun license from the state,
if the gun is registered with the state,
if student has permission for the college (ie clean behavior and academic record)
if the gun is registered with the college (ie college can limit number of weapons)
- yes, allowed to carry on campus.

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