Wednesday, March 08, 2006

War on Islam (Terror)

The Global War on Terror should be properly titled

Global War on Militant Muslims  (GWoMM)

The dominant Islamic Leaders are not civilized.
They are breasts, they act like pigs. (Hamas, Iran, Al Queda)
They want to rule the world.
They want to impose "Taliban Law" on the globe.

When will the Western world wake-up.
Will it be soon, when less bloodshed will be required.
or will it be later, when extreme bloodshed will be required.

The West must drop the Muslim serving 'political correctness'. This censorship of speech, only serves to aid terrorists. The refusal to label acts of terror (LAX on July 4th, 2002, Oklahoma Univ. fall 2005, UNC - Mar 2006), does not protect us.

This war will continue to be bloody (Over 40,000 killed by Muslims since 9/11/01)

But the bloodshed has been one-sided.

Iran needs to be smacked down, and smacked down hard. (B-52's, B-1's, B-2's, Tomahawks, etc)
Appeasement does not work, it never has.

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