Monday, April 03, 2006

Racism at it's worst

"Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, like thousands of average Americans across this country, is, too, a victim of the excessive use of force by law enforcement officials because of how she looks and the color of her skin. Ms. McKinney is just a victim of being in Congress while black," said Meyer.

Charges against McKinney could range from assault on a police officer, which is a felony carrying a possible five year prison term, to simple assault, which is a misdemeanor.

The six-term congresswoman apparently struck a Capitol Police officer when he tried to stop her from entering a House office building without going through a metal detector. Members of Congress wear identifying lapel pins and routinely are waved into buildings without undergoing security checks. The officer apparently did not recognize McKinney, she said in a statement. She was not wearing her lapel pin.

Let us review -

Ms McKinney walked around a security checkpoint.

Then she ignored the uniformed police officer who asked her to stop and identify herself.

When the officer touched her, to get her attention, she slapped a uniformed police officer.

But Ms McKinney is innocent by virtue of her race.

Ms McKinney needs to learn respect for proper authority, and she needs to set a better example. Ms McKinney teaches total disrespect for police and then she wonders why so many African-americans are in jail. 






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